Document validation online

Do you need to validate an electronic signature? We will make it possible for you. If you have received an invoice or other document and you are not sure whether it is really from the entity listed on the document, we offer you an electronic signature validation service. If the subject is used to signing documents with one of the electronic signature levels, after uploading you will find out if the signature is genuine and if someone has not manipulated the document after signing it.

What will i get by validating a document?

Validation of the existence of a signature

Was the uploaded document signed with any of the electronic signature levels (simple, advanced, qualified)? If so, by whom?


Who signed the document? We verify the signer’s certificate based on the certification authority that issued it.

Validation of a signature integrity

Has the document changed since it was signed? Did someone manipulate him? By analyzing the hash of the document, we determine its integrity.

Who trusts us:

logo Sociálna poisťovňa
Logo Bratislavská vodárenská spoločnosť
Logo národná banka slovenska
Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa logo

Simple online signature validation in a few seconds

You can validate the document directly on the page below. If you want to validate more documents at once, register for free on our NFQES platform. How does the process work?

Podpis zmluvy na mobile NFQES

Benefits of document validation

Ikona komunikácia s vládou


The volume of electronic fraud is growing every year. Fake invoices and other documents can permanently deprive the company of funds.

Ikona digitálny podpis


If you verify that the order or contract was 100% signed by the electronic certificate of the other party, you have a better legal support in the document if the customer or another entity starts claiming that he did not sign or order anything.
Ikona šetrenie nákladov

Streamlining the digitization of documents

If you validate documents automatically, you can quickly identify and eliminate possible errors during signing.

How many documents do you need to validate?

When does it make sense to validate a document?

Validation is generally a good fraud prevention tool. You can validate any document that you know should be signed with an electronic signature. So, for example, if you know that your supplier normally signs his invoices for security reasons and you received a suspicious invoice from him, you can validate that it is not a fraud and that the invoice was not issued or modified by someone else.

Digitalizácia dokumentov

With nfqes electronic signature you can sign

Schéma použitia elektronického podpisu