Signing history

Signing history is used to display signed documents in the NFQES platform. All signed documents, including documents from the electronic mailbox and signed requests for issuing electronic signatures, can be found here.

Signing history functions

Ikona prehľadné zobrazenie


All signed documents are displayed clearly in one place.

Ikona filtrovania


Sorting by signature date and filtering by signature type.

Ikona správa súborov


Signed files can be downloaded as well as deleted from the history.

Ikona deaktivácia

Disabling the feature

The entire signing history feature can be disabled if the user so desires.

Benefits of the signing history

Everything in one place

All signed documents conveniently in one place.

Document download

Documents can be downloaded from one location.

Certificate detail

Ability to check with which certificate the document was signed.

Chronological overview

Ability to chronologically see when the document was signed.

History management

Option to keep only the records you want.

File clarity

Quick overview of nested files as well.

Who trusts us:

logo Sociálna poisťovňa
Logo Bratislavská vodárenská spoločnosť
Logo národná banka slovenska
Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa logo

Where can I find the signing history?

Three simple steps to start using the signing history:

NFQES v mobile

Price list



The prices of the packages are with VAT.

Free Basic
0,00 €

Free Basic
0,00 €

10 € 1,99 €

Sem vložte text nadpisu

Premium PLUS
11,99 €

Sem vložte text nadpisu

20 €


We will prepare a package according to your requirements and in addition you will get support for:

Free Basic
0,00 €

Free Basic
0,00 €

105 €

Premium PLUS
199,99 €

Sem vložte text nadpisu

220 €


We will prepare a package according to your requirements and in addition you will get support for:

We will prepare a package according to your requirements and in addition you will get support for:

We will prepare a package according to your requirements and in addition you will get support for:

*Certificates can also be purchased separately at an excellent price.

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