Electronic signing

Electronic signing is a modern, safe, fast and ecological way of signing documents. NFQES brings you electronic document signing online and for free. Whether you need to sign electronically – with an identity card (ID) or a hardware token, NFQES services are here for you.

In what ways can you sign in NFQES?

elektronický podpis občianskym preukazom

Electronic signature with an ID card

The electronic signature with the ID card enables the signing of documents intended for state authorities (e.g. applications, proposals, appeals, etc.). This is the highest level of signature, while you have the option of adding a graphic signature, a time stamp, and it can also be used in an electronic mailbox. Signing with an ID card is FREE in the NFQES platform.

Ikona podpis online certifikatom

Electronic signature with an online certificate

Electronic signature with an online certificate includes all levels of signatures. This is a certificate by which you confirm that YOU signed the document with an appropriate signature, whether it is a QES, an advanced electronic signature, or any other electronic signature.

Ikona digitálny podpis


A digital signature is the lowest level of the category of electronic signatures. It guarantees the authenticity and integrity of the PDF document at the time of signing. It is free and you only need to register to use it. Sign documents online and for FREE now!

Who trusts us:

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Logo Bratislavská vodárenská spoločnosť
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What can I use electronic signing for?

Schéma použitia elektronického podpisu

Benefits of signing documents in NFQES compared to manual signing

Signature from the comfort of home

Qualified electronic signature (QES) is an alternative to signing at a notary, so you don’t have to go anywhere, and you can sign from the comfort of your home.

Signing without personal contact

Documents can be signed by multiple parties without the need for personal contact.

Archiving of signed

Your documents are securely stored and archived for the period you choose and accessing them is easy and fast. No more cluttered archives and long searches for old documents!

Bulk signing of multiple files

Sign up to 100 documents at the same time as you would sign 1 document physically.

Simple addition of graphic signatures

A graphic signature looks the same as a physical signature. You can create multiple graphic signatures and simply insert them into your chosen location in the document.


Time stamps guarantee the originality of a document at a certain time. They thus add credibility and relevance.

How do i sign with qualified electronic signature?

Signing with a digital signature

Signing with an digital signature

Signing with a hardware token

Signing with hardware token
Signing with hardware token

Signing with an ID card

Signing with an ID card

Price list



The prices of the packages are with VAT.

Free Basic
0,00 €

Free Basic
0,00 €

10 € 1,99 €

Sem vložte text nadpisu

Premium PLUS
11,99 €

Sem vložte text nadpisu

20 €


We will prepare a package according to your requirements and in addition you will get support for:

Free Basic
0,00 €

Free Basic
0,00 €

105 €

Premium PLUS
199,99 €

Sem vložte text nadpisu

220 €


We will prepare a package according to your requirements and in addition you will get support for:

We will prepare a package according to your requirements and in addition you will get support for:

We will prepare a package according to your requirements and in addition you will get support for:

*Certificates can also be purchased separately at an excellent price.