Price list



The prices of the packages are with VAT.

Free Basic
0,00 €

Free Basic
0,00 €

105 €

Premium PLUS
119,88 €

Sem vložte text nadpisu

220 €


We will prepare a package according to your requirements and in addition you will get support for:

Free Basic
0,00 €

Free Basic
0,00 €

10 €  1,99€

Sem vložte text nadpisu

Premium PLUS
11,99 €

Sem vložte text nadpisu

20 €


We will prepare a package according to your requirements and in addition you will get support for:

We will prepare a package according to your requirements and in addition you will get support for:

We will prepare a package according to your requirements and in addition you will get support for:


The price list of products and services is valid from 1.3.2023 (Prices are without VAT)

Service name 1 year 2 years 3 years
QES – Qualified electronic signature 18 € 34 € 46 €
QES-S – Qualified electronic seal 20 € 38 € 52 €
TLS certificate QWAC 50 € 95 € 130 €
M-QES – Mandate qualified electronic signature 20 € 38 € 52 €
Qualified digital time stamp
QDTS package 50pcs Included in the price of the NFQES certificate
QDTS package 50pcs extra 6,00 €
QDTS package 100pcs 11,00 €
QDTS package 200pcs 20,00 €
QDTS package 500pcs 45,00 €
QDTS package 1000pcs 75,00€
QDTS package over 1000pcs By agreement
Service namePrice without VATPrice with VAT
QES – Qualified electronic signature
Valid for 1 year18,00 €21,60 €
Extension 1 year (during the validity of the signature)16,00 €19,20 €
Extension 2 year (during the validity of the signature)28,00 €33,60 €
QES-S – Qualified electronic seal
Valid for 1 year20,00 €24,00 €
Extension 1 year (during the validity of the seal)18,00 €21,60 €
Extension 2 year (during the validity of the seal)32,00 €38,40 €
TLS certificate QWAC
Valid for 1 year50,00 €60,00 €
Extension 1 year 45,00 €54,00 €
Extension 2 year 80,00 €96,00 €
M-QES – Mandate qualified electronic signature
Valid for 1 year20,00 €24,00 €
Valid for 2 years38,00 €45,60 €
Valid for 3 years52,00 €62,40 €
Qualified digital time stamp
QDTS package 50pcsIncluded in the price of the NFQES certificate
QDTS package 50pcs extra6,00 €7,20 €
QDTS package 100pcs11,00 €13,20 €
QDTS package 200pcs20,00 €24,00 €
QDTS package 500pcs45,00 €54,00 €
QDTS package 1000pcs75,00€90,00 €
QDTS package over 1000pcsBy agreement

Advanced certificates

Service name1 year2 years3 years
AdES – Advanced electronic certificate9 €17 €23
AdES-S – Advanced electronic seal10 €19 €26 €
Názov službyCena bez DPHCena s DPH
AdES – Advanced electronic certificate
Valid for 1 year9,00 €10,80 €
Extension 1 year8,00 €9,60 €
Extension 2 year14,00 €16,80 €
AdES-S – Advanced electronic seal
Valid for 1 year10,00 €12,00 €
Extension 1 year9,00 €10,80 €
Extension 2 year16,00 €19.20 €

Electronic certificates

Service name1 year2 years3 years
ES – Electronic certificate5,40 €10,20 €13,80 €
ES-S – Electronic seal6 €11,40 €15,60 €
Service namePrice without VATPrice with VAT
ES – Electronic certificate
Valid for 1 year4,50 €5,40€
Extension 1 year4,00 €4,80 €
Extension 2 year7,00 €8,40 €
ES-S – Electronic seal
Valid for 1 year5,00 €6,00 €
Extension 1 year4,50 €5,40 €
Extension 2 year8,00 €9,60 €


Service name Price with VAT Price with VAT
1 year subscription – first year 83,25 € 99,90€
1 year subscription 99,90 € 119,88 €


Service name Price without VAT Price with VAT
NFQES HW Token 20,00 € 24,00 €
Loss, destruction, theft of token (blocking) 50,00 € 60,00 €
NFQES QSCD Card 34,00 € 40,80 €
QSCD Card reader 15,00 € 18,00 €
Certificate revocation Free
Consulting services in the field of security By agreement