Certificates on the card
What certificates can be purchased and used with the QSCD card?
Electronic certificate for
electronic signature, Electronic certificates for electronic seal, Electronic certificates for
electronic authentication
Advanced electronic certificates
Advanced electronic certificate for advanced electronic signature, Advanced electronic certificates for advanced electronic seal
Qualified electronic certificates
Qualified electronic certificates for qualified electronic signature, Qualified electronic certificates for qualified electronic seal, Qualified electronic certificates for qualified electronic authentication
What does the qscd card special?
It does not contain any identification data of the given natural person (such as: Name, Surname, National ID number, etc.), but the QSCD card is tied to, for example, the ID of the ID card. Another advantage is that when signing with a QSCD card, you do not have to enter the PIN and BOK again for each signed document, but you only need to enter PIN once when signing several documents and it will sign all the documents for you at once. You also have the option to upload multiple certificates at once and sign with different levels of certificates. All certificates for electronic signature are stored on the QSCD card and you can use them at any time.
Who trusts us:
How does it work?
- Purchase and activation: Purchase and activation: Get your smart card from NFQES and follow the simple activation process. You can arrange everything in our client zone. In this zone you also have available information about certificates.
- Upload certificates: After activation, upload the required types of certificates to the smart card.
- Use anywhere: Insert your smart card into a smart card reader and use certificates as needed for signing, authentication or other secure operations.
Why is it good to have certificates on a QSCD card?
Your certificates are protected by a unique PIN. If you enter the wrong PIN 3 times, the card will be blocked. Legal and legally valid value
In many countries, QSCD cards have legal value and are approved for use in electronic transactions, including electronic signatures on legally important documents.
QSCD cards are compatible with all card readers for signing.
After the expiration of the given certificate, which is on the QSCD card, another one can be uploaded, which will be valid, for example, for another year. Trusted issuer
QSCD cards are issued only through companies that are legally verified, so it cannot happen that a QSCD card is issued by a company that is not verified as a certification authority.Data
All your personal data is visible on the ID card. Not on QSCD. The saved data can only be accessed with login data. What makes the QSCD card special?
How do I use the QSCD card in NFQES?
- Insert the card into the reader
- Upload a document for signature
- Sign and enter your PIN
- Download the signed document
Gemalto IDPrime 940 (eIDAS Compliant, podpora QSIGN, QSeal)
It does not contain any identifying data of the individual (such as: First name, Last name, Birth number, etc.), but the QSCD card is linked to, for example, the ID of the ID card. The advantage is also that when signing with QSCD card, you do not have to enter PIN and BOK again after each signed document, but you just need to enter 1x PIN when signing multiple documents and it will sign all documents at the same time. You also have the option to upload multiple certificates at once and sign with different certificate levels. All the certificates for e-signature are stored on your QSCD card and you can use them at any time.
Gemalto IDPrime 940 SIM Pre-Cut (eIDAS Compliant, podpora QSIGN, QSeal)
Gemalto IDPrime MD 940B pre-cut chip card for qualified electronic signature. It is a qualified means (QSCD) for the creation of electronic signatures compliant with the eIDAS regulation.
The IDPrime 940B pre-cut QSCD smartcard meets the following technical parameters:
- Product name: IDPrime 940
- Applet Version: IDPrime Java Applet 4.4.2.A
- Common Criteria (CC): CC EAL5+ / PP QSCD
GEMALTO (Thales) K30 / USB token IDBridge K30
The IDBridge K30 secure USB token is a compact USB device that offers multi-application dynamic smart card functionality. It can be used with any USB connection for identity and access management applications such as network authentication, electronic signatures and other PKI-based services. Suitable for use with the Gemalto IDPrime MD 940B pre-cut smart card.
Čítačka čipových kariet Gemalto IDBridge CT30 (pre eID)
The Gemalto IDBridge CT 30 smart card reader is compact, easy to handle and extremely reliable – the standard among smart card readers. The reader can be used with Gemalto IDPrime MD 830 or Gemalto IDPrime MD 840 smart cards, among others. There are no installation requirements and it is suitable for operation with virtually all contact chip cards, internet banking and applications using electronic signatures, including regular login.
Suitable for working with both existing and new electronic identity cards (eOP). In Slovakia, issued as standard with new eIDs.
Choose your maintenance plan
The prices of the packages are with VAT.
Free Basic
10 € 1,99 €
Premium PLUS
11,99 €
20 €
We will prepare a package according to your requirements, and you will also receive support for a wide range of solutions SaaS API.
Free certificate*
Free Basic
- Signed documents per month: 30
- Number of documents for a single operation: 2
- Messages per month: 3
- Free timestamps per monthly subscription: 0
- Free certificate*:
10 € 1,99 €
- Signed documents per month: 1000
- Number of documents for a single operation: 100
- Messages per month: 50
- Free timestamps per monthly subscription: 25
- Free certificate*: ES
Premium PLUS
11,99 €
- Signed documents per month: 1500
- Number of documents for a single operation: 200
- Messages per month: 75
- Free timestamps per monthly subscription: 50
- Free certificate*: ES-S
20,00 €
- Signed documents per month: 2000
- Number of documents for a single operation: 400
- Messages per month: 75
- Free timestamps per monthly subscription: 50
- Free certificate*: AdES
We will prepare a package according to your requirements, and you will also receive support for a wide range of solutions SaaS API
Free Basic
105 €
Premium PLUS
119,88 €
220 €
We will prepare a package according to your requirements, and you will also receive support for a wide range of solutions SaaS API.
Free certificate*
Free Basic
- Signed documents per month: 30
- Number of documents for a single operation: 2
- Messages per month: 3
- Free timestamps per monthly subscription: 0
- Free certificate*:
105 €
- Signed documents per month: 1000
- Number of documents for a single operation: 100
- Messages per month: 50
- Free timestamps per monthly subscription: 25
- Free certificate*: ES
Premium PLUS
119,88 €
- Signed documents per month: 1500
- Number of documents for a single operation: 200
- Messages per month: 75
- Free timestamps per monthly subscription: 50
- Free certificate*: ES-S
220,00 €
- Signed documents per month: 2000
- Number of documents for a single operation: 400
- Messages per month: 75
- Free timestamps per monthly subscription: 50
- Free certificate*: AdES
We will prepare a package according to your requirements, and you will also receive support for a wide range of solutions SaaS API
* during the entire duration of the subscription
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