Signature archive

The archive represents a new function of NFQES, it is a way of long-term storage of electronically signed documents, for which the validity period of the certificate will expire. By extending the validity of the certificate in the archive, a chain of signatures is created, which declares that the document has not been changed during the period of validity of the signature. The expected launch date of the NFQES archive is January 2024.

Archive as a trusted service

We are a trusted service provider registered in the European register of trusted service providers (European Trusted List) and our solutions are fully compliant with European regulation no. 910/2014 on eIDAS. As a result, we provide long-term archiving solutions.
eIDAS certifikácia

What is a Hash archive?

Ikona hash archív

A hash archive is a system that stores and protects electronic documents signed with an electronic signature. Its main task is to securely archive the so-called fingerprints, thanks to which we can verify the integrity of the document at any time. Documents in the Hash archive remain valid even after the expiration of the original user electronic signature. It is important, for example, in legal disputes, in the management of companies or in the field of science and research, where it is necessary to be sure that the documents remain intact, and their content is still verifiable.

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How does the Hash archive work?

Hash archív

Benefits of the Hash archive

Ikona overiteľnosť

Long-term integrity and verifiability

Documents can be authenticated based on their fingerprints even after many years.

Ikona efektívne využitie úložiska

More efficient use of capacity

Saving only prints instead of entire documents saves storage space.

Ikona bezpečnosť a právna istota

Safety and legal certainty

The use of advanced cryptographic techniques and secure servers protects documents from unauthorized access and manipulation.

Ikona fajka

Compliance with eIDAS regulations

Hash archives can help organizations meet legal and regulatory requirements regarding the preservation of digital records.

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Signing a loan application through a bank application, an electronic request to change an insurance company, an invoice delivered via e-mail. Digital documents and electronic communication are commonplace in various industries today. How is it that many things that in the past required personal contact can now be handled remotely? And are digital signing and electronic communication safe at all?
We consider the terms “improved electronic signature” and “advanced electronic signature” interchangeable and refer to the same thing, namely an advanced electronic signature that meets the requirements set forth in the European regulation eIDAS (Regulation No. 910/2014).
Simple, advanced and qualified electronic signatures differ mainly in the legal certainty they offer. The higher the level of legal certainty, the more suitable a particular level of electronic signature is for securing transactions of higher value. Of course, there is also a difference in the process of verifying the identity of a person or entity when issuing a certificate for a given signature.

Feel free to contact us, our specialists are ready to answer your questions.