Mandate certificate

The Mandate Certificate solves the problem of signing the Mandatee. In relation to electronic signature, it is a qualified electronic certificate for a qualified electronic signature issued to a physical person authorised by law or by statute to act on behalf of another person or public institution (Public Authority – PAB) or issued to a person who performs activities pursuant to a special regulation or performs a function pursuant to a special regulation.

Who is the mandate certificate suitable for?

A mandate certificate is for people who have a mandate, i.e. they can sign documents on behalf of another person, institution or other entity. Such persons include those listed in the list of credentials:
Ikona primátor
Ikona notár
Ikona primátor
Deputy mayor
Ikona primátor
Ikona advokát
Ikona spoločník
Ikona minister
Ikona prekladateľ
Ikona tri bodky
And many more...

The school principal signs the admission decision with his/her mandate certificate and sends the decision electronically to the student’s or his/her legal representative’s mailbox.

Ikona podpísanie rozhodnutia o prijatí
Autentifikačné elektronické certifikáty

The mayor shall sign with his/her mandate certificate all documents in relation to the municipality in which he/she has a mandate.

Autentifikačné elektronické certifikáty

Who trusts us:

logo Sociálna poisťovňa
Logo Bratislavská vodárenská spoločnosť
Logo národná banka slovenska
Všeobecná zdravotná poisťovňa logo

Why do I need a mandate certificate?

Given the level of legal certainty, a mandate certificate is useful for:

Ikona komunikácia s vládou

Communication with OMV

Act 272/2016 Coll. – orders public authorities to communicate electronically as it also orders other persons to use mandated certificates for electronic signatures such as: notary, lawyer, mayor, school director and others.

Ikona digitálny podpis

Physical person

The holder of a mandate certificate can securely and legally sign documents on behalf of another entity.

Ikona šetrenie nákladov

Strengthening trust

In the case of electronic communication between different entities, the clear identification of the mandator makes it possible to verify his/her authorisation.

Ikona overenia


With the gradual development and adoption of new technologies, the mandate certificate is expected to become even more important and applicable in the near future.

What are the benefits of the NFQES mandated certificate?

Remote signing

No need to use a card and reader. The solution is server-based and very fast.

Use everywhere

The solution supports NFQES virtual smard card thanks to which you can also sign on or in any other applications.

Mass signing

The ability to sign multiple documents at once with the highest legal certainty.


The mandate certificate for electronic signature is a qualified electronic signature and thus ensures the undeniability of the signing of the documents themselves and these documents cannot be rejected as evidence in court.

Ecological impact

This is a “paperless” solution that eliminates the printing of documents as well as their subsequent transport and storage.

Increased security

The documents are easily verified, thus protecting both recipients and citizens from phishing attacks and scams.

Mandate certificate in just a few clicks

What do you need to do to obtain and use a Mandate Certificate?

NFQES v mobile

In accordance with the European eIDAS Regulation

We are a trust service provider registered in the European Trusted List, and therefore our solutions are fully compliant with the 910/2014 on eIDAS and can issue qualified electronic certificates. Certificates issued by our company meet strict data protection and identity verification requirements, are legally recognized and acceptable. They can therefore be used as evidence in court, throughout the European Union.
eIDAS certifikácia

Price list

Name1 yearExtension for 1 yearExtension for 2 years

M-QES –Mandate qualified electronic signature

20 €18 €32 €

 The listed prices are without VAT.

NameM-QES –Mandate qualified electronic signature
1 year20 €
Extension for 1 year18 €
Extension for 2 years32 €

 The listed prices are without VAT.

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Signing a loan application through a bank application, an electronic request to change an insurance company, an invoice delivered via e-mail. Digital documents and electronic communication are commonplace in various industries today. How is it that many things that in the past required personal contact can now be handled remotely? And are digital signing and electronic communication safe at all?
We consider the terms “improved electronic signature” and “advanced electronic signature” interchangeable and refer to the same thing, namely an advanced electronic signature that meets the requirements set forth in the European regulation eIDAS (Regulation No. 910/2014).
Simple, advanced and qualified electronic signatures differ mainly in the legal certainty they offer. The higher the level of legal certainty, the more suitable a particular level of electronic signature is for securing transactions of higher value. Of course, there is also a difference in the process of verifying the identity of a person or entity when issuing a certificate for a given signature.

Feel free to contact us, our specialists are ready to answer your questions.