Digital signature
Where can i use digital signature?
Due to the level of legal certainty, a digital signature is suitable for:

Internal communication
Ensures the authenticity and integrity of internal documents and reports.

Conclusion of contracts
It is suitable for less binding contracts where authentication and verification of document integrity is required.

Execution of transactions
It ensures trust and proof of authorship in financial operations and closing transactions.

It ensures unambiguous identification of a person during electronic interactions and signing documents. With a digital signature from NFQES, we can secure these for free
The digital signature ensures authentic identification of the sender and the content of the document, increases trust and security in electronic communications.
The digital signature ensures the integrity of the document and the integrity of the content, guarantees the confidentiality of electronic communications and transactions.
Digital signature guarantees non-repudiation and trust in electronic transactions and communication.
Who trusts us:
Digital signature in just a few clicks
What do you need to do to implement a digital signature for free?
- Register at
- Log in at
- Click the sign button
In NFQES platform you get for free
Unlimited number of digital signatures
50 timestamps
Unlimited number of ID card signatures
Graphic representation of signature levels
Čo o NFQES hovoria zákaznici?
Kde sa môžete prísť fyzicky overiť?
Digital signature is
Digitálny podpis pridáva dôveru elektronickým komunikáciám a transakciám.
Využíva sa silná kryptografia na zistenie bezpečnosti digitálneho podpisu.
Podpisovanie dokumentov digitálnym spôsobom je rýchlejšie a efektívnejšie ako tradičné ručné podpisy.
Použitie digitálneho podpisu umožňuje minimalizovať náklady na tlač, skladovanie a prenos papierových dokumentov.
Prechod na digitálne podpisy prispieva k environmentálnym úsporám tým, že znižuje spotrebu papiera a súvisiacich materiálov.
Digitálne podpisy majú medzinárodnú platnosť, čo umožňuje globálnu komunikáciu a obchod bez právnych obmedzení.
A digital signature adds trust to electronic communications and transactions.
Use strong cryptography to create digital signature security.
Signing digital documents is faster and more efficient than traditional manual signatures.
Low cost
Using a digital signature allows you to minimize the costs of printing, storing, and transferring paper documents.
The transition to e-signatures contributes to environmental savings by reducing the consumption of energy and important materials.
Digital signatures are internationally valid, enabling global communication and commerce without legal restrictions.
Choose your maintenance plan
The prices of the packages are with VAT.
Free Basic
10 € 1,99 €
Premium PLUS
11,99 €
20 €
We will prepare a package according to your requirements, and you will also receive support for a wide range of solutions SaaS API.
Free certificate*
Free Basic
- Signed documents per month: 30
- Number of documents for a single operation: 2
- Messages per month: 3
- Free timestamps per monthly subscription: 0
Free certificate*:
10 € 1,99 €
- Signed documents per month: 1000
- Number of documents for a single operation: 100
- Messages per month: 50
- Free timestamps per monthly subscription: 25
- Free certificate*: ES
Premium PLUS
11,99 €
- Signed documents per month: 1500
- Number of documents for a single operation: 200
- Messages per month: 75
- Free timestamps per monthly subscription: 50
- Free certificate*: ES-S
20,00 €
- Signed documents per month: 2000
- Number of documents for a single operation: 400
- Messages per month: 75
- Free timestamps per monthly subscription: 50
- Free certificate*: AdES
We will prepare a package according to your requirements, and you will also receive support for a wide range of solutions SaaS API
Free Basic
105 €
Premium PLUS
119,88 €
220 €
We will prepare a package according to your requirements, and you will also receive support for a wide range of solutions SaaS API.
Free certificate*
Free Basic
- Signed documents per month: 30
- Number of documents for a single operation: 2
- Messages per month: 3
- Free timestamps per monthly subscription: 0
Free certificate*:
105 €
- Signed documents per month: 1000
- Number of documents for a single operation: 100
- Messages per month: 50
- Free timestamps per monthly subscription: 25
- Free certificate*: ES
Premium PLUS
119,88 €
- Signed documents per month: 1500
- Number of documents for a single operation: 200
- Messages per month: 75
- Free timestamps per monthly subscription: 50
- Free certificate*: ES-S
220,00 €
- Signed documents per month: 2000
- Number of documents for a single operation: 400
- Messages per month: 75
- Free timestamps per monthly subscription: 50
- Free certificate*: AdES
We will prepare a package according to your requirements, and you will also receive support for a wide range of solutions SaaS API
* during the entire duration of the subscription
Naši zákazníci
Frequently asked questions
Can I sign an already signed document?
Do I need to purchase anything to be able to sign?
No, the digital signature is completely free. Just register and verify your phone number and you can sign.
Do I need to use timestamps?
No, timestamps are not required when signing with a digital signature.
Is the digital signature taken as notarized?
No, a digital signature is not considered a notarized signature. A qualified electronic signature is taken as a notarized signature.
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