Certificates for remote signing

In our understanding, virtual certificates are remote certificates using the Virtual Smart Card feature. It allows certificates to be stored on a server and signed remotely, eliminating the need for physical devices.

How do I get a virtual certificate?

Postup podpisania hardverovym tokenom
Postup podpisania hardverovym tokenom

Virtual certificates provide protection against possible theft or loss of certificates. The use of remote certificates with Virtual Smart Card is not limited to the NFQES platform. You can sign with them on slovensko.sk and on various signing platforms that support signing with QSCD cards.

Podpis OP bez čítačky
podpis bez čítačky

Benefits compared to traditional signing with a reader and card

Ikona jednoduchosť


No plugging in USB readers and searching for physical cards.

Ikona praktickosť


No need for carrying the card and the reader with me, the certificates are available online.

Ikona zariadení

No need for peripherals

Ability to use certificates on all devices.

Ikona šetrenia času

Save time

Thanks to the Virtual Smart Card, you sign faster, physical cards are slower and the time to calculate the signature is in the order of seconds.

Price list

Price list of products and services is valid from 1.3.2023 (Prices are without VAT)

Name of service1 year2 years3 years
QES – Qualified Electronic Signature18 €34 €46 €
QES-S – Qualified Electronic Seal20 €38 €52 €
TLS QWAC certificate50 €95 €130 €
M-QES – Mandatory Qualified Electronic Signature20 €38 €52 €
AES – Advanced Electronic Certificate9 €17 €23 €
AES-S – Advanced Electronic Seal10 €19 €26 €
EC – Electronic Certificate4,50 €8,50 €11,50 €
ES-S – Electronic seal5 €9,50 €13 €