Signing documents with an ID card

Qualified electronic signatures and document authentication legally recognised across the EU. Quick and easy with your ID card.

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Signing documents with an ID card

Do you use the option of signing documents using your ID card? It is a very useful tool that provides an easy and fast way to sign documents. All you need is an ID card with a qualified electronic certificate, access to the NFQES portal and two free NFQES Web Signer and eID client applications.

The NFQES portal offers comprehensive services for all activities related to electronic signing:

  • Digital signature
  • Electronic signature
  • Electronic seal
  • Advanced electronic signature
  • Advanced electronic seal
  • Qualified electronic signature
  • Qualified electronic seal
  • Qualified electronic timestamp
  • Qualified certificate for website authentication
  • Storage of electronic signatures and seals
  • Mandate certificate

With maximum legal certainty, it also offers the possibility not only to sign documents, but also to validate them.

Benefits of signing with an ID card

  • The ID card with the certificate is provided free of charge by the state and NFQES provides free services for its use in signing.
  • NFQES provides 100% credibility without doubt of forgery – the services are listed in the European Union Trusted List as a provider of trustworthy services (European Commission website).
  • Environmental responsibility of companies – just as time is precious, so is our nature, and the combination of saving money, time and nature is a huge benefit.
  • Increasing work efficiency for yourself and your colleagues.
  • If you are not interested in signing documents with your ID card, there is another solution. On the NFQES portal, you can create the same certificate as on the ID card, while it is stored on the server, not on the card. In this way, you can conveniently sign documents via mobile phone or tablet without the need to connect the reader to the laptop.

Not sure if an electronic signature is for you? An electronic signature is for anyone who wants to save time and energy when signing lengthy documents, or to use the time otherwise spent at offices and post offices more efficiently. It is also the right choice for those who care about the environment. It can be used by individuals (mayors, directors), small companies that cannot afford expensive on-premise solutions, as well as large companies (municipalities, banks), to whom Brain:IT offers the option of an Enterprise solution.

The author of the article is

Miroslav Rechtorík