Virtual smart card

Virtual smart card is a unique service for NFQES users who have purchased a remote certificate. It allows signing with all signature levels without the need to connect a physical reader and card, or a hardware USB token. Thanks to the Virtual smart card, you can use all signing applications in the same way as before, with the advantage that you will no longer have to search, find and install physical peripherals.

Who can use the benefits of virtual smart card?

Používatelia smart card

Benefits compared to traditional signing with a reader and card

Ikona jednoduchosť


No plugging in USB readers and searching for physical cards.

Ikona praktickosť


No need for carrying the card and the reader with me, the certificates are available online.

Ikona zariadení

No need for peripherals

Ability to use certificates on all devices.

Ikona šetrenia času

Save time

Thanks to the Virtual Smart Card, you sign faster, physical cards are slower and the time to calculate the signature is in the order of seconds.

Who trusts us:

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How to use Virtual smart card in NFQES

Ako použiť virtual smart card


Virtual smart card is a free service. However, for its use to be meaningful, you need a remote certificate from NFQES. Please contact us for the price list of remote certificates.